Finnish Lessons 2.0

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Muokannut Daniela Silva Toda, sunnuntai 26. syyskuu 2021, 19.53


I gave up on reading the book about gamification in education and started reading another one, entitled Finnish Lessons 2.0. This book was recommended by Johanna for further understanding about the Finnish Education System, and I need to understand how they were able to change the country by education (yes, I believe this is very possible, but I have always heard that this is a romantic freiriana vision).

So, I am still reading, but it caught my attention of the severe critics that the author does to the Anglo-saxons educational systems, such as the American and British ones. Theses systems are based on  hard competition, exhausting tests, charters and rankings, privatizations, and firing teachers for bad results. All these are the opposite of the Finnish system, as far as I know, but his words made me realize of how close we are to those systems and how far we are from Finland's.

We have to pay attention to the current projects to our education and work to make it a better one to everyone.
