Sisko Mällinen


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Muokannut Sisko Mällinen, lauantai 21. elokuu 2021, 18.42

Olá senhoras e senhores

I'm writing this post as an example of how this blog works. At the moment only you can se what you write but this can be made public if you wish.

I picked this topic as I know that you are interested to learn more about online pedagogy and digital tools. This is a historical review of how we've always thought that new technology would revolutionalize education. You. can judge for yourself.  how much the innovations below have changed education. 


"My judgment is that the radio can do its part; that it is a perfectly legitimate and satisfactory way for distribution; that it would carry more genius to the common child than he has ever had or ever possibly could have; that it is the greatest system for training teachers that we know; and all together I think it is justified even in a technical sense as a medium for instruction in public education."

Joe Robinson, "Broadcasting to the Schools of a City," in Levering Tyson, ed., Radio and Education (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1931), pp. 91-92.


"I believe that the motion picture is destined to revolutionize our educational system and that in a few years it will supplant largely , if not entirely, the use of textbooks….The education in the future, as I see it, will be conducted through the medium of the motion picture…where it should be possible to obtain one hundred percent efficiency."

Thomas Edison 1922 Quoted in Larry Cuban, “Teachers and Machines. The Classroom Use of technology Since 1920.” New York. Teachers College Press.  


"There is no limit on imagination. Thus there is no limitation on how you can use transparencies and overhead projection to communicate effectively with your class. Just as science is opening new vistas for mankind, overhead projection is opening new doors for teaching."

Morton Schultz, The Teacher and the Overhead Projector (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1965, p.31)

If it's not technology that changes education, what is it in your opinion?
