First impressions

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In order to share our experiences during the first week in Tampere, we (Dany, Quezia and Tulio) present some impressions.

The first week was marked by the difficulty of adaptation to the time zone (long days ☀️); surprise about the way of life of the people: sports practices 🏃‍♀️, family dynamics with the active presence of the father 👨‍👦‍👦and interaction among all members 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦, existence of social equity, among other aspects.  

The school activities took place in a virtual way, we went through interviews, some in groups and others individual. There was also an interesting dynamic/method, called "Self-hack", which made us reflect about our past, present and future. It showed us how it is possible to change our lives according to our decision-making based on our lived experiences.

All this set the tone of Finnish teaching, with the focus on the student (his personal and professional goals). We realized the need to go through a process of "re-construction" of what we understood about the teaching-learning process. The first moment was not focused on what the teachers have to teach, but on what the student wants to learn!

Curiosities about the city of Tampere: 

- Children attending the libraries! 🧒📚

- Elderly people walking the streets, shopping and doing physical activities - often alone! 👵👴

- Forests permeating the city! 🌲🌲🌲🌲

- Mobility alternatives "Environmentally responsible". 🚆



Ikilinkki 1 comment (viimeksi kommentoinut Elina Harju, maanantai 6. syyskuu 2021, 11.32)

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