For teachers: It's now possible to delete courses by yourself

For teachers: It's now possible to delete courses by yourself

by Moodle 3 -
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(In English below)

Opettajille: Kurssialueiden poistaminen itse on nyt mahdollista

Tarpeettomien kurssialueiden poistaminen itse TUNI Moodlesta on nyt mahdollista ja suositeltavaa.

TUNI Moodle > Mene kurssialueelle > Valitse oikealta hallintatyökaluista > Siirrä kurssi roskakoriin 


Roskakoriin siirretty kurssialue säilyy roskakorissa 30 päivää, jonka jälkeen se poistetaan pysyvästi. 

Katso tatso tarkemmat ohjeet.

Vinkki! Tiesitkö myös, että TUNI Moodlessa voit itse kopioida kurssialueesi sisällöt toiselle kurssialueelle? Katso ohjeet.

For teachers: It's now possible to delete courses from by yourself

It's now possible and recommended to delete your old and unnecessary courses from TUNI Moodle by yourself.

TUNI Moodle > Go to the course area > Select from Managing tools >Move course to trashbin 


After the course has been moved to trashbin it will be available 30 days in trash bin and after that the course will be permanently deleted.

Check detailed instructions.

Tip! Did you also know that in TUNI Moodle you can copy course contents to another course by yourself? Check instructions.