Quick instructions

6. Quick guide for teachers

6.18. Accessibility in course creation

Course structure

Build the course logically and consistently. Divide large entities into smaller parts, avoid large masses of text. Make sure the navigation is clear.

Use clear and descriptive titles in sections and activities that make the text easy to read.

Avoid using only visual means such as colors or shapes to convey information.

Offer content in different formats, e.g. text and videos.

Avoid the Collapsed topics course format as it is not accessible.

Avoid using blocks if they are not necessary.

Producing content for the course


Use styles for headings and subheadings and consistently follow their hierarchical order from highest to lowest: H1, H2, H3, etc. The text can only have one main heading at the H1 level, after which the first subheading level is H2 and the next subheading level is H3. Do not skip levels, e.g. by switching from an H1-level heading to an H3-level heading, so that the screen reader user gets a correct understanding of the page's heading structure. Organize the text into short and clear entities with the help of headings and make sure that the headings are clear, descriptive and informative. Prefer sentence headings.

Avoid long sentences in the text and strive for as clear a language as possible. Use a clear, non-serial font. Avoid underlining the text, which the reader can easily interpret as a link, as well as unnecessary bolding and italics. If you use colors, ensure sufficient contrast so that the text stands out clearly from the background.


Add a description text (alt text) to each image you use, which tells the screen reader what is in the image. Strive for a clear and informative expression and bring out what is essential in the picture. Always end the description text with a full stop, even if it is not a complete sentence, because the sound of the screen reader pauses at the full stop. This way, the alternative text stands out better from the rest of the text that continues after the image.

If you use the image as a decoration or illustration and the image you use does not contain any relevant information, a description text is not needed. In this case, mark the image as decorative.

For maps, charts, diagrams and other more complex images, it is usually necessary to write a full text equivalent instead of a description text.


Use descriptive link texts. Avoid using web address or type formatting as “read more here” as link text. Make sure that the links stand out from the mass of text due to their appearance.

When you use an image as a link, tell where the link leads to in the description of the image.

According to accessibility guidelines, it is generally recommended to make links so that they open in the same browser window. If you set the link to open in a new browser window, add to the link the information that the link opens in a new window. If the link leads to another site or a file opens from the link, tell about it in connection with the link.


Lists make the text easy to read. Prefer lists in the text when possible, but make sure that the lists do not become too long and heavy.


Use tables deliberately and only when the table format is necessary to present the issue, as tables are difficult for screen readers. Don't use tables only for text formatting or content layout.

If you use a table, don't use a picture of the table, but create the table in Moodle's own editor. Add headers to both the table and its rows and columns. Make sure there are no empty cells, rows or columns in the table and avoid merging cells. Avoid a table that is too wide, as scrolling the page horizontally is difficult.

Videos and audio recordings

Subtitle the videos you produce in presentation language or create text equivalents for them. Prepare text equivalents for the recordings you produce, e.g. podcasts. You can publish the text equivalent on its own page. Prepare the text equivalent with Moodle's page tool rather than e.g. as a pdf file, because the page is more accessible.

Accessibility of documents

Make sure that the documents you produce are accessible before you import them into Moodle. You can check the accessibility of files, e.g. with the accessibility check function of Microsoft Office programs.