• Culture is an integral part of everyday organizational life. Understanding culture facilitates organizational success in national- as well as international market. The course is designed to deal with culture and its impact in managing/leading organization made up of people from diverse cultural background.

    • After completing of the course, students will be able to:

    Know culture from different points of view prioritizing the field of management and organization.

    Lead multicultural workforce

    Build work team/group with people from different cultural background

    Deal with cultural differences effectively

    Identify culture lenient motivational strategy

    Manage cultural tension by engaging empathetic approach

    Negotiate globally
    • Contents

    What is culture?

    What is family-, national-, organizational- and business culture?

    What are the roots of culture?

    How culture influences management and the functioning of an organization?

    How to deal with cultural challenges in forming group/team and leading people with diverse cultural background?

    What are the crucial issues to remember while negotiating internationally?

    • Teacher: Elena Grigorova