NOTE: This course corresponds to the previous course “A biomedical view of patenting”, i.e. if the student has completed “A biomedical view of patenting” course he/she cannot enroll to this course.

This course introduces students to Intellectual Property (IP) Law in general and especially a biomedical point of view in patent matters.

The course is targeted for students/scientists with little or no prior knowledge of IPR, and especially for those aiming at transferring from academic research to company R&D, or for those planning a career in the field of IPR (such as patent examiner, corporate patent agent or patent attorney).

The emphasis of the course is patenting of biomedical, pharmaceutical and health care applications.

At the completion of this course a Doctoral candidate:

·       is able to demonstrate and develop awareness of the relevance and impact of IP Law on his/her academic and professional lives

·       is aware of different ways to protect his/her inventions

·       has developed awareness of how patent information can be found and used

·       has some idea about the most important patenting routes and systems

·       has gained some knowledge about drafting patent applications

·       has understanding regarding the interpretation of patent claims and the crucial role of patent claims in forming the scope of protection conferred by a patent


The course has six independent sections. Each section will include online lecture material (written only) and assignment tasks (Assignment 1 is linked to Section A and so forth). The literature needed in the course is available on the course platform in e-format or as a link (the only exception is Assignment 5, wherein you may make your own searches for further material). Some sections contain also additional material/information (marked as such) that you may read through.


The course runs over 7 weeks online 21.8.-6.10.2023. All material is available during the whole course period. You may return your answers to the assessments in any order, but in any case by the indicated deadline (different for different assignments).  If the answer is acceptable, it is graded "100" and if not, the corrections will be requested. In any case, I'll try to provide at least some feedback regarding each answer. The course is completed after answers to all of the assessment tasks have been approved. You'll get a short note regarding the completion of the course.


Assignment 1 - Introduction to IPR - Answer deadline 28 Aug

Assignment 2 - Patents as a form of protection and as an information source - Answer deadline 4 Sep

Assignment 3 - Requirements of patentability and drafting a patent application - Answer deadline 11 Sep
Assignment 4 - Patenting routes and systems - Answer deadline 18 Sep
Assignment 5 - Biomed patents – special cases - Answer deadline 25 Sep
Assignment 6 - Working as a patent attorney - Answer deadline 2 Oct

If you need more time to return your answers or have any questions regarding the assignments, please contact me ( The model answers will be provided afterwards so that you can check your work.



  • Teacher: Kirsi Paukku