Texts for Moodle now:


This is originally a course from the University of Helsinki Physical Chemistry Laboratory and is now lectured third time in Tampere University as well. The course ties up with the teaching in Helsinki, and thus two of the early lectures (Thursdays at 14-16) will be in Zoom, after which the rest of the lectures will be in-person in Festia FC117. All the Wednesday lectures are in-person. The exercise workshops are mainly meant to give an opportunity to ask for help for the exercise assistants, yet the assistants should not do the exercises for you… 😊


The language of the course is English.

The in-person lectures will be in Festia FC117.

Some of the early lectures (or if the lecturer gets sick etc.) will be in Zoom. The Zoom address for the course is:



Meeting ID: 627 3985 0471

Passcode: 465571


Exercises & Workshops on Thursdays at 16:00-17:00 (Festia FC109)



Matti Rissanen (Tampere)

Teaching language English

Lecture slides updated soon!


The course schedule is as follows:


Wed 25.10. Pre-assignment: Read the “Chemistry in 27 slides” and assess if you need to do some pre-reading to survive the course.

Thu 26.10. Course practicalities on a short(ish) Zoom lecture + yet another intro to gas-phase chemistry.

Wed 1.11. First real lecture in Festia (FC117) and the first exercise workshop after the lecture.

Thu 2.11. Second lecture in Zoom together with the Helsinki course.

Wed 8.11. Third in-person lecture in Festia (FC117) and the first exercise workshop after the lecture.

Thu 9.11. Fourth Lecture in Zoom together with the Helsinki course.

Wed 15.11. Fifth lecture in Festia (FC117).

Thu 16.11. Sixth lecture in Festia (FC117).

Wed 22.11. Seventh lecture in Festia (FC117).

Thu 23.11. Eighth lecture in Festia (FC117).

Wed 29.11. Ninth lecture in Festia (FC117)

Thus 30.11. Tenth lecture in Festia (FC117)

Wed 6.12. Independence Day – no lectures!

Thu 7.12. Poster Exam in Festia (FC117)

  • Lärare: Matti Rissanen