This course offers fundamental understanding of cultural issues in today's global business environment. It also provides the student with the skill to navigate successfully in intercultural environments.
When the student has passed this course he/she will know:
- Notion of culture
- National culture and its typologies
- Organizational culture and its typologies
- Emergence of culture
- Elements of culture
- Culture and religion (protestant ethics and capitalism, Islam and Hinduism)
- Culture and human behaviour
- Cultural influence on business activities
- Work ethics in different culture
- Cultural differences and similarities
- Cultural synergy
When the student has completed the course he/she can:
- Understand national- and organizational cultural differences
- Detect consumer behavior across national boundary
- Manage an organization made up of people from different cultures
- Treat people from other cultures with empathy
- Solve business problems according to cultural requirements
- Deal with different interest groups without hesitation
- Work in global marketplace with a flexible personality
- Easily commit to different customer groups

  • Teacher: Shaidul Kazi