The coordinator of the course is dr. Paul Jonker-Hoffrén (Work Research Centre). Co-teachers are dr. Satu Ojala, Prof. Antti Saloniemi and Prof. Jouko Nätti.


In the course we provide an introduction to the topic of Work, Employment and Welfare. These topics are very broad, but linked together, which is why we have different co-teachers for the modules.

The topics of this course are:

-        Changing Work (Ojala) – What are labour markets, how does work change?

-        Unemployment (Saloniemi) – What is unemployment and why is it a problem?

-        Labour Market Relations (Jonker-Hoffrén) – What are labour market relations and why are they important?

-        New Forms of Work (Nätti) – What is non-standard work and how has it developed?

The online course has a fixed structure for all modules:

1)     a video/short digital presentation of the topic and its core concepts and issues (max 20 minutes)

2)     students read an article/book chapter about the topic and answer questions about this article

3)     students use the discussion forum in Moodle to discuss each other’s answers (“peer review”)

4)     students answer “exam questions” in Moodle, for which they can use the course material

5)     students supply a link to an English-language news article about a topic related to the module and discuss the article using knowledge gained in the course.

  • Teacher: Paul Jonker-Hoffrén